Meeting of the Health and Adult Services Executive


11 March 2022 at 13:30

Via MS Teams




Present:        Councillor Michael Harrison and Councillor Andrew Lee


Officers:        Richard Webb (RW). Dale Owens (DO), Chris Jones-King (CJK), Abigail Barron (AB), Adam Gray (AG)


Minutes:        Dawn Day




For Note/ Action


Declaration of Interests

County Councillor Michael Harrison declared an interest as his spouse works in Health and Adult Services.  He relied on a dispensation granted by the standards committee enabling him to partake fully in the meeting.




Notes of previous meeting held on 11 February



Reviewed and agreed.





Items for Corporate Director decision in consultation with Executive Members

























































































































































Pilot an integrated working arrangement between the Council and the CCGs


The proposal is to pilot a new working arrangement using a Section 113 Agreement between the local authority and the NHS Vale of York CCG which aims to improve quality assurance and improvement in care settings. This has already been through CCG governance processes and been approved.


Over the period of the Covid-19 pandemic response NYCC Quality Monitoring and Quality Improvement Teams have worked closely with NHS colleagues across our three main Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) and Integrated Personal Commissioning Teams (IPC).


The pilot will allow us to develop new ways of working using section 113 guidance and understand how that can be applied in other service areas to create opportunities for more efficient use of resources around ‘place’ to improve outcomes for the people who use our care settings.


The intention is to start the pilot from 1 April 2022. This will be reviewed at six months and if successful, a business case and job descriptions will be drawn up.


Cllr Harrison asked about the £1.3m NYCC contribution.  RB confirmed this was the current cost of the QIT team and included COMF funding.  Cllr Harrison agreed this will help enhance quality and practice and could help prevent admission to hospital. 



·         All recommendations were agreed and the proposal approved.

·         A further update will be given to Cllr Harrison and formally brought back to HAS Executive to review.



Targeted prevention in local communities

The purpose of the report was to consider the options for the future commissioning of targeted prevention activity in local communities and determine the agreed approach.


Since the report was issued, a new option has been suggested, following discussions with Community First Yorkshire (CFY). 


The alternative option would be a six-month extension, followed by a six-month notice period.  All incumbent providers would need to agree.  This will enable NYCC to have a further 12 months to work with providers.  Should providers not agree, option 2 contained within the report would be the recommended course of action. 


Officers confirmed that legal advice prevented a 12-month extension, but the 6 month extension and 6 month notice period would be an option.


AB welcomed the support from CFY and the facilitation they have brought to the discussion.   



·         The amended option proposing to extend contracts for six months, followed by a six months notice period

·         If the above is not achievable in a reasonable timescale, option 2 is the agreed option.


Fees for in-house community care services for 2022/23


AH and DO presented the report setting out the proposed changes in fees and charges for in-house community care services. This is approximately a 4% increase.


Fees for transport have changed significantly over the last two years and we are now adding inflation.


Cllr Lee asked if the cost of £7.50 was acceptable with the existing pressures on fuel prices.  AH confirmed this was only a contribution set in the budget in November with no knowledge or anticipation of the current crisis.


RW confirmed that the cost of living, inflation and fuel was becoming a more pressing issue. 



·         Approval for the new charging rates as outlined in section 3, tables 1 and 2 of the report to be effective from 11 April 2022.


Fees payable for external providers of social care provision


DO presented the proposed fees for residential, nursing, domiciliary care and community based services in 2022/23.


Work has been undertaken on a new actual cost of care exercise which will result in a significant increase in care rates to be paid to providers in North Yorkshire as we move to fully implementation of the actual cost of care. 


Consultation has taken place with Independent Care Group (ICG) and the proposals accepted.



·         The seven recommendations outlined in the report were approved.


S75 HARA Agreements


County Councillor Michael Harrison declared an interest in this particular item, as his spouse works in Health and Adult Services.  He relied on a dispensation granted by the standards committee enabling him to partake fully in the meeting.


CJK presented the report for consideration.


HAS Executive were asked to consider, and agree, the extension of the existing Section 75 County Council/NHS commissioner and provider agreements for the integrated community health and social care services in the Harrogate district.


There will be a future report on the next stages of the service’s development, alongside potential revisions to the Section 75s and any public consultation requirements.

Cllr Harrison asked to what extent we have looked to see what is not working and what has improved.  CJK advised that part of the work would include a review. The challenges with the pandemic have affected the pace of the review. We have implemented phase 1, which was management structure and governance.  Phase 2, the further integration of teams and phase 3, emergency response will be reviewed.  The intention would be to scope phase 2 this year.   


Cllr Lee asked if other areas would benefit from a similar approach if the working arrangements within Harrogate have improved.  CJK advised that each area was different and operated in a different way, but it was important to review and scrutinise. 


RW recommended a more formal peer review.



·         A 12 month extension to the Commissioner and Provider S75 Agreements were approved.

·         That further proposals for future development of the service and any revisions to the Section 75 Agreements are brought back for consideration within the extension period, to enable any decisions and public consultation to take place with respect to longer-term arrangements being agreed beyond 2022/23











Items for Executive Member decision


